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Zucchini Mascarpone Cheese Flatbread

Zucchini Mascarpone Cheese Flatbread

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I have a feeling this recipe for Zucchini Mascarpone Cheese Flatbread is going to become a regular habit in our kitchen.  Have you noticed a huge increase in vegetable inspired dishes lately?  We have been trying to eat more of a vegetarian diet, which I find kind of challenging.  The reasoning is that most vegetarian recipes seem to have the addition of pasta and/or cheese added to them.  That becomes challenging as we are also trying to cut back on dairy, or at least Lenny is trying to.  For instance, this recipe for Zucchini Mascarpone Cheese Flatbread was tried out a few times, with and without the cheese.  Both ways are great, but the cheese-less version was rather boring.  YAWN.  You have to add the cheese!

Flatbread with Zucchini and Mascarpone Cheese

One staple that can always be found in our freezer is homemade pizza dough.  Not enough to feed a family, just enough for a light lunch or dinner, or maybe an appetizer.  It is definitely a good item to have on hand when you are milling around in the morning and wondering what you can make.  Grab it out of the freezer, and by the time you are ready to cook, the dough is ready for you.

When I was making this recipe for Zucchini Mascarpone Cheese Flatbread, Lenny wanted to know what the difference was between pizza and flatbread.  I didn’t know the answer (and I still don’t) so I said … this is just flatbread!  When I make “flatbread” I like to roll it into a thin rectangle as to not confuse it with a pizza.  I lightly precook it on an indoor grill pan before topping with the goodness.  I really enjoy biting into the slightly charred grilled marks, and it adds a lovely smokey taste.  Then I smear the baked flatbread with the mascarpone cheese, and using a vegetable peeler I add ribbons of fresh zucchini.  Just before baking, I sprinkle the top with smoked pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.  Simple dinner for Meatless Monday, just add a crisp green salad to go along with it, and it will make a complete meal.

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table;  we love having you here.

Have you made this recipe?  Please share what recipes you are enjoying from our site with us – we’d love to see them.  Use the hashtag #chezuseats on social media channels, then we can pull a chair up to your virtual table and share with our friends.

Flatbread with Zucchini and Mascarpone Cheese

Zucchini Mascarpone Cheese Flatbread 


pizza dough, premade

5 ounces mascarpone cheese

2 small shallots, finely minced

2 small zucchini, washed and patted dry

Maldon salt

smoked paprika

olive oil

parmesan cheese

How To:

Preheat the oven to 425.

Preheat a stovetop griddle pan.

Roll the dough out into a rectangle.

Place the dough on the griddle pan. Lightly cook over medium-low heat for 5 – 7 minutes, flip and repeat. You only want to cook it enough to add browned marks to the dough.

Remove the dough and place it on a cookie sheet.

Mix the shallots with the mascarpone cheese. Smear over the top of the bread.

Using a vegetable peeler, scatter ribbons over the top of the mascarpone cheese. Covering the entire area.

Lightly drizzle with some olive oil.

Sprinkle with the salt and paprika.

Lightly grate some parmesan cheese over the top. As much or as little as you like.

Bake for 10 – 12 minutes, until golden brown.

Remove from the oven, and let cool for 3 minutes.






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Julia Stearns

Tuesday 12th of March 2019

That zucchini mascarpone cheese flatbread looks absolutely fantastic. Beautiful photos, too. I look forward to trying this.

Denise Woodward

Wednesday 13th of March 2019

Thanks Julia - we cannot wait to make it come summer! It is so easy to make and eat. Enjoy.

Jill Roberts

Tuesday 1st of August 2017

This is a great zucchini mascarpone cheese flatbread recipe, as you know I made it a short while ago and it was lovely, in fact have made it again since. Thx for sharing!

Denise Woodward

Friday 4th of August 2017

Thank you so much Jill. We often forget about certain recipes that we love until a reader reminds us. Definitely need to make this again! Glad you enjoyed.


Monday 8th of April 2013

This is beautiful. I never knew the difference either. Sounds like pizza sans sauce. I love the combination of flavors though, sauce or no sauce.


Thursday 4th of April 2013

Thta looks extremely delicious! I love that topping.




Tuesday 2nd of April 2013

What a wonderful weeknight meal and homage to spring. I've often wondered also about the difference between flatbread and pizza, so your description and assemblage of the dough in a different shape makes sense.