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Perfect Fried Eggs

Perfect Fried Eggs

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We have been getting so many message from reader for our Perfect Egg Series that are going to keep it going. World-wide Readers are thanking us for sharing how to make these eggs that they were not sure how to make.   We even had a chef, from another country, say a customer asked for a soft-boiled egg and he was not sure what to do.  He had never heard of it, went online, found our post and thanked us for showing him how to make the perfect soft-boiled egg.  Now we are going to share with you how to make perfect fried eggs which is one of our favorite ways to enjoy eggs.

Perfect Fried Eggs

There is nothing like a lazy Sunday morning, spent laying around drinking coffee, reading, and enjoying one’s company to get the tummy growling for a leisurely breakfast.  The first thing that comes to mind is protein and lots of it.  Soon there will be bacon frying, baguettes being warmed and eggs frying away in creamy butter.  We both enjoy our fried egg differently from one another.  Lenny squirts hot sauce on it, and proceeds to cut it up, mushing it onto the warm baguette.  I, gently break the yolk and then dip pieces of salty bacon and crusty bread into the liquid gold.  Makes me warm and tingly all over just thinking about it.

The key to frying the perfect egg is the pan or griddle.  It needs to be a flat griddle pan.  And it must be preheated.  I heat mine over medium heat, which is about a 5 on our stove until it is good and hot, then I add some olive oil.  

If the pan or griddle is perfectly hot, the egg will sputter a little, and start to bubble.  I like the yolk to be warm but still perfectly runny, so I flip the egg after 1 minute, then I cook the other side for 1 minute.  It comes out perfect every time.  Season to your liking after cooking.  I like salt and pepper, Lenny likes some hot sauce. 


  • Bring the eggs to room temperature – at least 30 minutes before cooking or up to an hour.  The white will cook more evenly as well the yolk will be the perfect warm/hot temperature instead of cold.  

More Perfect Egg Recipes to Make:

Perfect Soft Boiled Eggs

Perfect Scrambled Eggs

Perfect Poached Eggs

Perfect Hard BoiledEggs

Perfect Fried Eggs



Yield: 1 egg

Perfect Fried Eggs

Perfect Fried Egg

What makes the perfect fried egg is a cooked white and warm runny yolk.

Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • 1 egg - room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil or animal fat of choice
  • salt, to taste
  • black pepper, to taste


    Preheat a frying pan or griddle over medium-low heat.  The pan is ready when you drop a couple drops of water onto it and it dances around the pan.

    Add the olive oil to the pan.

    Crack the egg into a bowl, then slip into the frying pan.  It will sputter a bit.

    Turn down the heat a little.

    We like a really runny yolk so we cook it about 45 seconds to a minute, or just until the white is holding its shape.

    Flip the egg with a spatula and cook for another 30 seconds.

    Remove from the pan and place on a plate.

    Season to taste with salt and pepper.




You have to bring the egg to room temperature to cook it evenly. Bring to room temperature which is about 30 minutes before.

Did you make this recipe?

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table. We truly love having you here.Have you made this recipe?  Please share what recipes you are enjoying from Chez Us. We would love to see and be able to share with our followers. Use the hashtag #chezuseats on your social media channels, then we can pull a chair up to your virtual table and share with our friends.


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Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious

Sunday 20th of May 2012

Awesome fried egg tips. I use olive oil for the pan but I'll have to try butter next time. And I'm totally in love with this sandwich. You're using my 2 most favorite ingredients: pancetta and Sriracha!


Sunday 13th of May 2012

As a lover of food and culinary, I set out to make the perfect fried egg as well. I found a really easy cheater method to it. I keep the heat at medium as well and since I wasn't good at flipping the egg without breaking the yolk, I would cover the pan as soon as I break the egg and the heat from the pan cooks the top part so no flipping is required! I finally mastered flipping the egg but still like to use the pan-lid method on days where I want to be lazy!

Jill @ Freestyle Farm

Tuesday 8th of May 2012

Nothing beats a farm fresh egg! I could eat it for breakfast lunch or dinner. I love mine over butter toast, and a few drops of Maggie.

Jeff @ Cheeseburger

Monday 7th of May 2012

This fried egg sandwich recipe is the perfect lazy day breakfast for me.

Denise Woodward

Tuesday 8th of May 2012

We could not agree more, Jeff. The avocado and sriracha really brings it together!!


Monday 7th of May 2012

Growing up, my mom always made eggs over easy. I never liked them. Something about soft yolk freaked me out. After having scrambled eggs in camp, I asked her to start making them that way. I never looked back until the last few years when poached, and now fried, eggs sound terrific to me on top of just about anything. Yum!

Denise Woodward

Tuesday 8th of May 2012

Dana, I am the opposite, I LOVED and still love the soft yolk. I hate it when it is overcooked and a bit chalky. Every so often the craving for an egg fried in a little butter creeps up, and there is nothing like it. Except adding some avocado and sriracha!

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