The Pina Colada seems like such a rookie drink. Something you probably drank when you were getting your feet wet in the bar scene. Come on I know that you know the version I am thinking of. Icy cold, pumped out of a machine behind the bar and filled with bad alcohol. It was kind …
While we were in London a couple of years ago, I was reintroduced to a cocktail that I use to enjoy in my younger days, a Classic Gimlet. If my memory serves me correctly, the first few times I enjoyed a gimlet it was in a red plastic cup at a party most likely made …
I have steered clear of wine spritzer type cocktails since my early days of drinking. Back then it was often an overly sweet and fruity drink that left a headache afterward. Then I discovered the fine art of adding ice to my glass of Rose during a trip to the south of France. Being from …
Did you know that the Irish Coffee recipe was perfected in San Francisco at one of our favorite drinking spots the Buena Vista? Did you also know it is not just hot coffee, any old whiskey, and a dollop of “whipped cream”? Originally the Irish coffee experiment began at the Shannon Airport in Ireland on a …
Tracing the roots of the Hemingway Daiquiri to the El Floradita bar in Havana, Cuba, this smooth cocktail was originally called the Papa Doble. It was created by their famous bartender, Constantion Ribailagua, in honor of Ernest Hemingway. Don’t save this cocktail only for summer, it is sublime and really meant to be enjoyed all year.
I love Anita’s site Married with Dinner. Every time I read it I am inspired to start the tradition of cocktails in our home on a regular basis. If we had more space we would probably be doing just that. When we visit Montana, we seem to have cocktails often, maybe because we have more …