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Fit at Fifty Week Twenty One

Fit at Fifty Week Twenty One

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It has been a somewhat uneventful Fit at Fifty Week Twenty One – not too much to report on.  I stayed the same weight which was a pleasant surprise.  I had anticipated gaining as we had friends in from out of town, I had a girls night out, as well as a couple dinner parties at our house;  which translates into over indulging and not being consistent with eating right. I kind of ate like a jerk – you will see.  Damn it, I stuck to my guns, watched my portion control and enjoyed a couple glasses of wine and did not feel guilty.  The only thing that I could have been better at was being consistent with yoga.  I found that doing yoga at home can make it tricky when entertaining and I need to work on getting over it, and make the time for me.  That being said I am behind by a few days on yoga but back at the 31 day challenge – and I am still enjoying it.

Fit at Fifty Week Twenty One

Can you believe I only have four more weeks until this challenge is over?  I cannot for many reasons, and the main one is that I will be FIFTY!  WTH???  I also wonder if I will reach my goal of 135?  Here’s to doing this together for the next four weeks – push on!  Let me know how you are doing – I really enjoy getting your emails.

Beginning Weight:  146

End of week: 146


  • Managed to do spin 6 days
  • Maintained my weight despite eating like a jerk


  • Only did yoga three days

What I ate and how I moved:


Moving: 60 minute spin and yoga challenge

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, breakfast sandwich made at home (soft roll, 2 scrambled eggs with cheddar)

Lunch:  late breakfast

Dinner: 1 serving Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup and 1 large serving kale salad

Snack:  1 pink lady apple

Water: 6 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 75 minutes spin

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, 1/2 cup whole milk greek yogurt, 1/3 cup blueberries and 1 teaspoon honey

Lunch: 1 serving of left Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup

Dinner:  1 serving Chicken Pot Pie, 1 large serving green salad with radishes, red onion and red vinegar dressing.  3 glasses red wine and 1 slice chocolate flourless cake.

Snack:  Hummus with Cucumber slices

Water: 7 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: walked 1.29 miles

Breakfast: 3 cups black coffee, 1/2 cup whole milk greek yogurt, 1/3 cup blueberries and 1 teaspoon honey

Lunch:  cheese, olive and bread plate.

Dinner: charcuterie dinner out with friends – 3 glasses red wine.

Snack: 1 pear

Water: 5 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 90 minutes spin and Yoga Challenge

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, 1 egg fried in ghee and 2 pork breakfast sausages and 1 slice country bread toast

Lunch:  1 serving leftover chicken pot pie

Dinner: pasta feast out with the girls and 1 glass of red wine


Water: 7 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 70 minutes spin and Yoga Challenge

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, 1 scrambled egg with cheddar cheese and 1/2 avocado

Lunch: 2 corn tortillas with melted cheese

Dinner: Leftover Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup and roasted cauliflower


Water: 5 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 60 minute spin

Breakfast: 3 cups black coffee, 1/2 cup whole milk greek yogurt, 1/3 cup blueberries and 1 teaspoon honey

Lunch: 1 tortilla with melted cheese

Dinner: potato and onion spanish tortilla 


Water: 6 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 60 minute spin

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, and fried eggs with bacon and english muffin at the Pink Lady

Lunch: had late breakfast

Dinner:  Middle Eastern feast with friends plus 3 glasses red wine


Water: 7glasses (16 oz each)

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