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Fit at Fifty Week Eight

Fit at Fifty Week Eight

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I cannot believe it has been eight weeks since I started this journey.  I am happy to report that I lost a pound this last week – YAY!  After being deflated the week before I was happy about this accomplishment.  I had a feeling the first 5 pounds would take a bit, and I kind of feel like I am over the hump.  Only 15 more to go until February 20, 2017. Let’s see how Fit at Fifty Week Eight went ….

Fifty at Fifty Week Eight

I did much better this past week, being home makes it easier.  While I got a lot of moving in I did not quite get to the menu planning I had hoped to do.  We both came home with colds and felt pretty exhausted all week, which meant I really didn’t want to cook much.  As well, I am doing a typhoid vaccine and it is kind of making my stomach do flip-flops.


Are you using a FitBit – let’s motivate each other!  I can be found here …. FitBit Tracking.

Beginning Weight:  151

End of week: 150


  • Worked out almost every day
  • Did either morning or evening yoga almost everyday
  • Drank more water, less wine during the week

Failures: I felt like I did DAMN good this week!  No failures!

What I ate and how I moved:


Moving: walked 7.7 miles

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, 1 egg scrambled with potatoes and bacon (fist sized serving)

Lunch: ate late breakfast.

Dinner: Pork Ragu with Pasta and Romano Bean Salad with olive oil and vinegar and shallot dressing

Snack: apple

Water: 6 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: walked 5.07 miles and evening yoga

Breakfast: 2 cups of black coffee and 1 scrambled egg parsley and 1 slice Dave’s Killer Bread toast.

Lunch: leftovers Pork Ragu with Pasta from Sunday

Dinner:  brown lentils cooked with onion, garlic and parsley with roasted kabocha squash and yogurt

Water: 5 glasses (16 oz each) and 3 glasses of black tea


Moving: walked 6.06 miles and evening yoga

Breakfast:  2 cup black coffee, 1/3 cup whole milk greek yogurt with 1/2 pint blackberries

Lunch: leftover lentils

Dinner:  frisbee salad with bacon and poached egg, dressing with olive oil, shallot and dijon mustard

Water: 8 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: walked 3.67 miles

Breakfast:  2 cup black coffee and 1 sausage pattie with a fried egg cooked in ghee

Lunch:  1 heirloom tomato with whole milk cottage cheese

Dinner:  1 bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup and large green salad with fennel and radishes, dressing olive oil, apple vinegar and dijon

Snack:  1 pink lady apple

Water:  5 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: walked 1.01 miles and did spin for 1 hour 15 minutes

Breakfast:  2 cup black coffee and steel cut oats with blackberries and 1/2 teaspoon palm sugar

Lunch:  5 ounces tillamook yogurt

Dinner: 2 glasses white wine, 2 chicken thighs with egg noodles and large green salad with fennel and radishes and olive oil with red vinegar

Water: 6 glasses (16 oz each) and 3 glasses of black tea

Snack:  1 pink lady apple


Moving:  walked 1.64 miles.  Took rest day after a 90 minute massage

Breakfast:  2 cup black coffee and 1 scrambled egg with mushrooms and kale

Lunch: 1 cup of cottage cheese

Dinner:  4 ounce beef steak, roasted cauliflower with chilies and 2 glasses of red wine

Water: 6 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: walked 2.47miles.  Took rest day – still tired from being sick

Breakfast:  2 cups black coffee, 2 scrambled eggs with black beans and small green salad.

Lunch: ate late breakfast

Dinner: chicken noodle soup with egg noodles and 2 glasses of red wine

Water: 6 glasses water (16 oz each)

Snack: 1 pink lady apple

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Taste of France

Monday 17th of October 2016

Congratulations! I recently got a Fitbit and love it. It has been a real wakeup call as to how little I move. I do interval running for an hour a day and Pilates twice a week, but otherwise I am mostly deskbound, at a home office. I don't even have a commute to add steps. The Fitbit is a great reminder to do more. I also have been using the food-tracking tool and see that while I eat a 100% homemade from scratch, well-balanced diet, I just eat too much of it. Portion control....Sigh.

Denise Woodward

Monday 17th of October 2016

Thanks for you wonderful comment. I, too, was surprised when I got my fitbit and realized how little I moved during the day. I always thought I was doing so much more. It has definitely made me more aware. I was doing pilates twice a week until recently and LOVED it. It is just so expensive out here, that I decided to take a break for a while. I do hope to start again and I really feel great afterwards! Which food-tracking tool are you using? I am a firm believer in portion control too -