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Spicy Roasted Beet Hummus

Spicy Roasted Beet Hummus

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I have been obsessed with the beet hummus at a local restaurant and am thinking about it all the time.  To be honest, when I do go there it is only for the. beet hummus.  While I enjoy the one they serve, I always think it could be a wee bit better and feel like something may be missing.  This recipe is for a Spicy Roasted Beet Hummus, and is completely different than the beet hummus I have been eating.  I think my version is even better.

We are big hummus eaters and it is usually always in the refrigerator.  It is great for quick lunches as well as a light snack during the day.  

Most recipes say that you should boil or steam the beets.  DO NOT do it.  Boiling beets zaps out the beautiful color as well as most of the nutrients.  It reminds me of the over cooked vegetables on the table during the 70’s.  Steaming is a tad better but still, DO NOT do it.  Y

You want flavor of the beet to shine, and the best way to preserve that rich earthy flavor is to roast them.  I roast them a couple of hours or the day before I plan to make the hummus.  

Roasting beets is so simple that once you do it for the first time you will never go back to boiling or steaming.  Takes a little longer but totally worth it.  

I use Aleppo pepper in this hummus recipe which adds a little spice along with some smokiness.  Aleppo is definitely a favorite in our kitchen and is used often.  

What is Aleppo?  It is a Turkish pepper that is widely used in Middle Eastern delights.  It has a medium heat level with a slight sweetness.  I love the heat of the Aleppo pepper, as it is pleasant does not a slap me in the face with heat.  It is great mixed with these roasted beets and chickpeas.

You are going to love this crazy gorgeous hummus, even if beets are not your thing, I think you will dig this recipe!


  • Roast the beets, do not steam as roasting adds more flavor.
  • Use freshly peeled garlic not the garlic in a jar as the flavor of masked with preservatives. 
  • Drain and rinse the chickpeas and then let them sit to dry while the beets roast.  The seasonings adhere to the chickpeas when they are not damp.
  • Let the hummus sit for an hour before serving to allow the flavors to blend together.


  • Food Processor
  • Foil

What to Serve with Hummus

Spicy Roasted Beet Hummus

Recipe:  Spicy Roasted Beet Hummus


1 15.5 ounces can chickpeas, rinsed and drained well
4 ounce beets, one big one or a couple small ones
2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 fresh lemon, juiced
3 tablespoons tahini
2 teaspoons Aleppo pepper
1/2 cup olive oil
kosher salt to taste

How To:

Roasting Beets:

Preheat the oven to 425.

Wash beets well using a vegetable brush.  Lay on a large piece of foil, drizzle with a small amount of olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt.  Fold the foil into pouch and place onto a baking sheet. 

Place into the oven and roast until fork tender.  I begin checking at 15 minutes and then check every 10 minutes until soft and lightly caramelized.   Timing depends on how thick the beets are.  

Remove from the oven and let cool to touch.  Peel.

Making the Hummus:

Drain and rinse the chickpeas and let sit in the colander while beets roast.

Cut the beets into a half, place into a food processor.

Add the chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, tahini and Aleppo pepper to the beet. Process until finely chopped up and paste-like.

With the food processor drizzle in the olive oil.

Season to taste with salt.

Place into a small glass bowl and cover with wrap.

Refrigerator for at least an hour to blend the flavors.



More Hummus Recipes

Homemade Hummus

Buttery Zahtar Hummus

Roasted Garlic Hummus

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Saturday 5th of August 2017

How much black pepper can be substituted for the Aleppo pepper? I can't get this in my town!

Denise Woodward

Friday 18th of August 2017

Hi Patty. I would probably just add to taste. It will definitely be a different flavor. Maybe try another smoked chili that you can find. Where do you live?


Tuesday 18th of August 2015

I'm so into everything beets, including hummus. It's so bright and beautiful. Love this recipe!

Stephanie Manley

Tuesday 18th of August 2015

This is simply beautiful. I don't know why beets get such a bad wrap with so many people. I think they are delicious. They also provide so much beautiful color.


Monday 17th of August 2015

I'm obsessed with beet hummus and can't wait to try this new spin on it. Spicy...yes. Roasted...yes. I'm all over this!!
