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English Muffin Bread

English Muffin Bread

Sharing is caring!

I was shooting some product for a client the other day and needed bread.  I searched for a gorgeous loaf that was photo worthy but couldn’t find one at the market.    I did the next best thing, I baked a loaf of this English Muffin Bread.  Then I decided not to keep it so secret any longer.


English Muffin Bread


I have written many times about how I have these secret recipes laying around.  They are usually ones that could be considered staples around here, ones that never make it to the site, but are equally as delicious as the ones that do.  I have no reasoning as to why I don’t share them.  Usually, it comes down to spending the time to measure everything perfectly, and writing the process down as I go.  Maybe it comes down to being a bit lazy on occasion.

For some reason the past few months when we decide to go to breakfast I have been totally digging on English Muffins instead of whole wheat toast.  I like how the butter sits in the little windows of bread, and how the egg yolks hang on as I take a bit.  Kind of like a present with each nibble.  After taking the last bite one morning, I thought about how it would be genius to have a whole loaf of English Muffin Bread.  After some research, baking and trial and error, I came up with a loaf that we love adding to the breakfast table.


English Muffin Bread | Chez Us


A loaf of English Muffin Bread is a bit denser but is still light. The crumb came out perfect with this loaf; light, fluffy and held together with each bite. It is wonderful on its own just out of the oven, and even better with a smear a little butter spread over the warm crumbs. As well it is great as toast for the remaining days it is around.

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Recipe:  English Muffin Bread

** makes one tasty loaf


  • mixer with a dough hook
  • loaf pan
  • baking spray



2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons instant or rapid rise yeast
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 cups whole milk
2 tablespoons unsalted butter

How To:

Spray loaf pan with some baking spray.  Dust with some cornmeal.

Combine flour, yeast, salt and baking soda in the mixing bowl.

Heat the milk with the butter and honey to 120.

With the mixer running on lowest speed, and the dough hook attached, slowly add the milk mixture.  ** the dough will be rather soft and sticky, even after the rise **

Cover the bowl with some plastic wrap that has been lightly sprayed with some of the baking spray, then cover with a towel.

Place in a warm area until the dough has doubled in size;  about 30 – 45 minutes.

Using your hands deflate the dough, lightly knead for 1 minute, then place into the loaf pan, pushing the dough into the corners.

Cover the pan with more plastic wrap that has been lightly sprayed with baking spray, cover with a towel and place in a warm place until it rises to the top of the pan.  This will take another 30 – 45 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 375 and place the rack in the middle position.

Remove the plastic wrap and place the loaf pan on a cookie sheet.  Slide it into the oven.

Bake until the bread is browned, about 30 minutes, rotating the pan about halfway through the baking time.

Let cool for 5 minutes, then turn onto a wire rack and let cool completely.



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Paula - bell'alimento

Saturday 30th of August 2014

I'm got my butter ready to slather on a slice or two!

Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles

Friday 29th of August 2014

I love the texture and flavor of English muffin bread, and how it affords the pockets of sweet melty butter. Beautiful loaf!


Tuesday 26th of August 2014

Love the texture on that bread! It'll hold a ton of butter. =)

Luci {Luci's Morsels}

Monday 18th of August 2014

I love ENglish muffins and the idea of them in a loaf (where I can slice off another piece) sounds delightful!!

Luci’s Morsels – fashion. food. frivolity.

Matt Robinson

Sunday 17th of August 2014

What an awesome idea, sounds incredible!!