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Pancetta Spinach Risotto

Pancetta Spinach Risotto

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Risotto, is an Italian rice dish, and a staple recipe that everyone should know how to make.  Most people I talk to say that risotto is too hard to make and it takes too much time.  I have to disagree, and feel that once you master a basic risotto it can be used as a blank slate for many different recipes such as this one we enjoy for Pancetta Spinach Risotto.  

Pancetta Spinach Risotto

More often that not most of my risotto recipes involve a little of this and a little of that.  Usually they come about when I am cleaning out the refrigerator or the pantry before or after a work trip that involves traveling.  Like I said once you master the basics of risotto the sky is your limit.  

This recipe came about after coming off of a local project.  To be completely frank, I am beyond exhausted from this project as it required a lot of early mornings as well as late nights working.  So tired I can barely write out this recipe but I am going to as it is so good.  I always have some pancetta tucked away in the freezer as it can be used in savory dishes as well as eggs.  I came home to a near empty refrigerator except for some fresh spinach I had purchased before the project started;  I knew I wanted something green upon returning home.  

This pancetta spinach risotto recipe is so easy to make.  Simply sautée some shallots and garlic along with the pancetta, then add the risotto rice and begin stirring and adding broth.  While it helps to stir constantly if you decide to step away for a bit, it is okay, the risotto works out!  After about twenty minutes and stirring and adding broth you will have a creamy risotto and all that is left is to stir the pancetta and spinach back into the rice, along with a little seasoning of salt and pepper.  Dinner on the table in under thirty minutes!

Recipe:  Pancetta Spinach Risotto

serves 4


1 cup Risotto Rice
2 shallots,  minced
1 clove garlic, minced * let sit minced for 15 minutes before cooking – added health benefits!
1 ½ cup chicken, beef, veggie, or veal broth – depending on your add-ins
1 ½ cup white wine
2 T. Olive Oil
4 ounces pancetta, diced
2 cups of spinach 

Salt & pepper to taste

How To:

Saute shallots with olive oil until soft, then add the pancetta and cook for another 3 – 5 minutes.  

Add garlic and cook for a couple more minutes, remove from heat, and put in a small bowl.

Heat the broth and wine together until hot. Turn off heat – do not keep cooking.

Add rice to the same pan you have been using for the shallots and pancetta.  Saute for a couple of minutes until the rice is coated with the remaining oil.

Add about a ½ cup of the broth mixture and stir – do not let boil. Cook it down a little and then add more broth. Continue this process until the rice is cooked al dente – do not overcook. When it is cooked right it will be a little creamy. Add whatever extras you have decided to add and heat through, this should only take a couple of minutes.

Stir in the spinach.

Then add the butter and keep stirring until melted.

Take off the heat. Season with salt and pepper.

If desired, before serving sprinkle with parmesan or asiago cheese.



More Risotto Recipes

Black Truffle Risotto

Springtime Chicken Risotto

Baked Pea Risotto

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Heidi / Savory Tv

Wednesday 25th of March 2009

Sometimes I forget how the simplest dishes can be so delicious! I'm whipping this up tomorrow with a breast of chicken, Cheers!


Wednesday 25th of March 2009

Yum, yum, yum. I love pancetta! I did not know that about minced garlic -- always something new everyday. Thanks!


Wednesday 25th of March 2009

I want to dig right in with that fork! Looks delightful! Rest up :)


Tuesday 24th of March 2009

oh hello, YUM. can't wait for the rest of the recipe!

now, go get some rest. :)


Tuesday 24th of March 2009

I clearly need to give risotto more of a chance. The husband always thinks it's not 'really' a main dish. Maybe if I add some good stuff he'll like it better!