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Chocolate Drizzled Coconut Macaroons

Chocolate Drizzled Coconut Macaroons

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When you ask most people what their favorite cookie is, the answer is usually chocolate chip or maybe oatmeal.  Occasionally, a peanut butter cookie slips by.  When you ask Lenny, the reply is always a coconut macaroon.  If we stop by a bakery or coffee shop, and there is a coconut macaroon on the menu, he has to try it.  He was having a terrible week recently, so I decided to surprise him by baking up a batch of these Chocolate Drizzled Coconut Macaroons.

Chocolate Drizzled Coconut Macaroons

Most recipes for coconut macaroons use only egg whites, sugar, and sweetened shredded coconut.  I do things differently.  

I prefer a macaroon that is not overly sugary, so I do not use sweetened coconut.  There is enough sugar added into this recipe that presweetened coconut is not necessary.  I also add a small amount of coconut flour as it tends to hold the cookie together better.  

A touch of vanilla bean paste brings out the tropical essence of coconut, sweeping me to faraway islands.  The bittersweet chocolate drizzle is because I love chocolate, and the two flavors go hand-in-hand.

Chocolate Drizzled Coconut Macaroons

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Monday 30th of March 2015

Your coconut macaroons look delicious. I really like the idea of using unsweetened coconut and coconut flour. Thanks!


Sunday 19th of April 2015

Thank you Kelly. I find it just cuts the sweetness back, while still enjoying the essence of coconut. Hope you enjoy!


Monday 30th of March 2015

Denise, fantastic recipe here. I've been accustomed to using the sweetened coconut variety, but your version allows control of the sugar measure. And adding coconut flour to help bind the mixture together? Spot on! Pinning.


Sunday 19th of April 2015

Thanks Brooks! We loved it as well - they didn't last long! ~ Denise & Lenny