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Classic Gin and Tonic

Classic Gin and Tonic

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We have been talking about how to stock our home bar, on and off, for a few months now as well as over on social media.  With summer around the corner, icy beverages on our minds, and it only seemed appropriate to talk about how to make a classic gin and tonic.  It is one of our favorite cocktails and the one we tend to fall back on often. 

Classic Gin and Tonic


Do you know what the secret is to the perfect classic gin and tonic?  The secret to our classic gin and Tonis is in the ice cubes.  Stay with us here as this is a genius pro-tip from a sexy little bar back east.  This is going to take your your G&T from every day to stellar.  

We have been in Las Vegas a few times this month for work.  In fact, too many times.  When we get some precious downtime, we head to the hotel bar for a drink or two.  Not sure about you but I hate paying premium prices for a drink that has been watered down with crappy ice.

Last winter we had drinks at a bar back east and the ice in our drinks was so sexy.  Yes, you read that right, sexy ice cubes.  I had to ask the bartender, how he did it.  After a few jokes about how he handpicked them from a brick of ice, he came clean and told us, that he froze filtered water in big cube trays.  The drink that evening was a heavily influenced rye drink, and that huge cube of ice melted perfectly with the drink.  By the time I was finished sipping it (45 minutes later, yes, I timed it), there was still a small cube left.  As well it was clean taste, did not interfere with the flavor of alcohol, and there were no “floaties” in the glass.  We came home and immediately changed our ice making habits.  We purchased king-sized ice trays and started using filtered water.  Next time you make ice for your cocktails, go the extra step, filter the water;  it will make a huge difference when you are sipping something special over ice.

Classic Gin and Tonic

What about cocktails made with mixers?  Then our friend, Megan, went to her neighborhood bar and learned a new trick that was even sexier then the filtered water ice cubes.  As soon as I read about it, I wondered why we had never thought about it.  Freezing your tonics, club sodas, ginger beers, etc… I know you are wondering the same thing, why didn’t you think of that.

We have been playing with this idea and it is genius.

  • Fill an ice tray with your favorite tonic.  Leave a bit of a lip as it will expand as it freezes.
  • Make your gin and tonic after your ice cubes have frozen solid.

You have time to impress your weekend guests, run out and buy extra mixers and freeze away.  Then make them a classic summertime cocktail, such as the gin and tonic.



Recipe:  Classic Gin and Tonic


3 ounces of gin
4 ounces of tonic
1 big tonic ice cube or a few smaller tonic cubes (go to Chez Us to learn how to make cubes)
lime, cut into wedges

How To:

Put the ice cubes into a cocktail glass.
Add the gin.
Top off with the tonic.
Squeeze some lime into the glass, swirl with a spoon or your finger.
Garnish with a lime wedge.
* we like extra lime and add two wedges, that were squeezed into the glass first







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Kris Adams

Friday 1st of June 2012

Gin and Tonic!! Now that's a good drink choice. I love this. Thanks :)

Ira Mann

Monday 28th of May 2012

I know what you are talking about. There is nothing worse that having watered down drinks. I do not know about the sexy part. I will have to wait and see what my wife has to say about that. It made me laugh, just the same. I hope you have a great Memorial Day.

Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar

Saturday 26th of May 2012

Such a classic. Love it!

Megan Gordon

Friday 25th of May 2012

Ahhh....I'm sitting in a really stuffy coffeeshop in spreadsheet hell. I can't tell you how wonderful this looks right. about. now. Miss you guys! xoxo