I had a fondue recipe I was going to share with you for Valentine’s Day; but, I made it over the weekend and want to tweak it a little, and make perfect. Instead, I am going to share my favorite winter cocktail the Perfect Paloma. Grapefruits are in season right now, and they are the …
It’s 5 O’clock somewhere. Let’s mix it up!
Did you know it was National Bourbon Heritage month? We had no idea until the fine folks at Four Roses, reached out and wanted to know how we were going to celebrate? I guess they have heard that it is no secret that we love our bourbon. It doesn’t matter what season it is; bourbon …
Hot, sultry summer days and nights go hand in hand with a Tom Collins; perfectly! Every time, I enjoy one, I feel as if I am splashing my toes in a pool while enjoying the sunshine on my face. Definitely brings a smile to my face. This refreshing cocktail has become my favorite go-to when …
The Pina Colada seems like such a rookie drink. Something you probably drank when you were getting your feet wet in the bar scene. Come on I know that you know the version I am thinking of. Icy cold, pumped out of a machine behind the bar and filled with bad alcohol. It was kind …
I usually only drink Mai Tais in two places; Hawaii and Peabody Massachusetts. I know the second place is downright weird but stick with me. When we are visiting Lenny’s family in Boston, his parents love going to Su Chang’s for Chinese food. Everyone has a Mai Tai, it is a thing. I like their …
While we were in London a couple of years ago, I was reintroduced to a cocktail that I use to enjoy in my younger days, a Classic Gimlet. If my memory serves me correctly, the first few times I enjoyed a gimlet it was in a red plastic cup at a party most likely made …
It is really fun to have a special cocktail to serve on a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day. We typically enjoy a nice bottle of bubbly, but with my latest obsession Punt e Mes, we will be enjoying Cupid’s Arrow to start the celebration of love. Are you familiar with Punt e Mes? I …