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Watermelon Radish and Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

Watermelon Radish and Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

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The first time I stumbled upon watermelon radishes was on a cold winter morning at the Berkeley Farmer’s Market, years ago.  I was searching for parsnips, and wondered why they looked so odd.  The cheery crew at Happy Boy Farms warned me that it was a spicy radish.  I had never seen radishes that looked like this.  She took a knife out from her back pocket and cut it open.  It was gorgeous. Vibrant bright pink with hints of green.  I knew I had to eat it.  I immediately thought about using them in a simple Watermelon Radish and Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette.

Watermelon Radish and Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette


The exquisite color of the watermelon radish completely had me drawn in.   I fell in love with the somewhat tie-dyed vegetable grown with the brightest pink I had ever seen.  Yes, I was buying purely on beauty.  I took a paper bag and filled it with different sizes and shapes.  I had no idea what to expect when I got home.

Tenderly I took one of the radishes out of the crumpled bag, scrubbed the just picked dirt off, and took a big bite.  The spicy juices started to run our of the corner of my mouth, and I was hooked.  It was like my first kiss;  wet, unknown, and a little bit spicy.  I continued to slice a couple more, then I laid them on a plate and buttered a piece of still-warm baguette.  I put a couple of vibrate slices onto the creamy butter with a sprinkle of Maldon salt over the top.  It was perfect.

Since that first “kiss” two years ago, watermelon radishes grace our winter table very often.  As an afternoon snack or mixed with tender greens for a dinner salad.  Now that, we are working from home, full-time, I am on the look-out for simple but delicious lunches.  This salad is one of our favorites.  It is full of sweet fennel and spicy watermelon radishes with a drizzle of olive oil and fresh-squeezed Meyer lemons.  It screams springtime, doesn’t it?

More Salad:

Cucumber Radish Salad

Potato and Green Bean Salad

Caesar Salad

Yield: 2 servings

Watermelon Radish and Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

Watermelon Radish and Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

Thinly sliced watermelon radishes along with fennel are drizzled with fresh meyer lemon juice and olive oil to make this spring time salad.

Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 1 medium-sized fennel, green fronds removed
  • 3 small-medium sized watermelon radishes
  • drizzle good quality olive oil
  • 1 Meyer Lemon
  • Maldon salt
  • black pepper


    Thinly slice the fennel and radishes.

    Scatter onto a plate.

    Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over the top.

    Using a lemon reamer, juice the lemon over the top.

    Sprinkle Maldon salt and black pepper over the salad.




Use fresh Meyer Lemon juice instead of pre-juiced lemon juice in a jar, as it has a brighter and fresher flavor.

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Thursday 29th of March 2012

What a beautiful salad and wonderful combination! Really original.




Monday 26th of March 2012

Can you believe I've never tried a watermelon radish?? It's pretty crazy, especially given how much I love radishes otherwise. Gorgeous photos, Denise! I think the next time I see these babies, I'm definitely going to give them a try.

Brian @ A Thought For Food

Monday 26th of March 2012

These are stunning! Can't help but smile when you look at those radish slices.

Jill @ Freestyle Farm

Monday 26th of March 2012

WOW! I have never seen or heard of watermelon radish and I must seek it out today! Some for a salad like this, and seeds to grow! Thank you for sharing this lovely post (and your first kiss).

Kimberly from Fennel Friday

Friday 23rd of March 2012

Happy Fennel Friday! We featured your amazing salad for Fennel Friday this week and we are so glad to have found your blog! Happy Spring!

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