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Brussels Sprout Salad with Pomegranate Seeds

Brussels Sprout Salad with Pomegranate Seeds

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We have a love-hate relationship with Brussels sprouts at our house, can’t say we love them and can’t say we hate them.  Sort of a happy medium, I guess you could say.  Last year we ventured into the land of Brussels sprouts and fried them up with some duck fat; duck fat makes everything taste better!  We keep trying, slowly but surely, the brussels sprout has been popping up onto our dinner table.  This recipe for Brussels Sprout Salad with Pomegranate Seeds just happens to be a favorite.

A couple of weeks ago, I grabbed a bag of them and decided to play with them a bit.  I wanted to create a salad, something different, something light and refreshing.  I felt I was going out on a limb but after much thought, I decided I would not cook them.  I tossed around the idea of steaming, blanching and boiling (eeekkkssss) but then decided raw.  I sliced the Brussels sprouts and red onion very thin using a mandoline as I wanted the dish to be very delicate.  Tossed with a handful of pomegranate seeds and drizzled with a vinaigrette made of tea seed oil, Meyer lemon juice, and sherry vinegar created a pretty salad.  The tea seed oil is very light and mixes really well with vinegar and citrus as it does not mask the flavors of the dressing or of the salad ingredients.  We both agreed that we really enjoyed the sprouts, more when they are served raw instead of over-cooked.  In fact, it was so good that I had to hide it from my god-daughter as she wanted to gobble it up.  This recipe is perfect for a light lunch as well as a dinner side.

Almost forget … the good news, we are still eating (trying to at least 4 times a week) gluten-free and this salad is!!

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table;  we love having you here.

Have you made this recipe?  Please share what recipes you are enjoying from our site with us – we’d love to see them.  Use the hashtag #chezuseats on social media channels, then we can pull a chair up to your virtual table and share it with our friends.

Brussels Sprout Salad with Pomegranate Seeds

* makes a full medium size soup bowl of salad, perfect for a light lunch; we doubled for dinner for two


  • 6 large brussels sprouts, washed, patted dry and thinly sliced
  • 2 red onion, sliced thinly, 2 tablespoons
  • pomegranate seeds, a handful, about 1/4 of a large pomegranate
  • 1/4 cup tea seed oil
  • 1/8 cup sherry vinegar
  • 1/8 cup fresh Meyer lemon juice
  • a sprinkle of Maldon salad
  • sprinkle of fresh cracked black pepper

How To:

In a small bowl, soak the red onion in ice-cold water, while you mandoline or thinly slice the Brussels sprouts.

Drain the onion, pat dry and mix with the sprouts.

Add the pomegranate seeds and lightly toss.

In a small jar with a lid, add the oil, vinegar and lemon juice; shake well, about 45 seconds.

Drizzle over the salad.

Add as little or more, depending on your personal preference.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Lightly toss.





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Wednesday 16th of November 2011

This looks really good but surely you used more than 6 brussel sprouts? Thanks.

Denise Woodward

Friday 18th of November 2011

Hi Charlene, actually I only used 6 brussel sprouts; the recipe made two servings, and they are sliced very thinly. Double or triple as needed. ~ Denise


Saturday 18th of December 2010

What a great idea. I love shredded brussels sprout as a salad and feel like it cuts out some of that bitterness people associate with the vegetable. Your salad sounds fresh and light. Can't wait to try it out!


Wednesday 15th of December 2010

Never quite got the appeal of (or need for ever using) brussel sprouts - but looks fantastic!


Wednesday 15th of December 2010

Maris is right, this look good and so festive! I'd make this soon. And I think I also wanna try brussel sprouts with duck fat!


Tuesday 14th of December 2010

Looks delicious. Very badly needed during this season of baking!