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Vanilla Bean Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Passion Fruit Gelee

Vanilla Bean Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Passion Fruit Gelee

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We are crazy for passion fruit!  I was first introduced (can you believe it) to fresh passion fruit while we were in Sayulita.  Lenny had been introduced as a child as it is readily available in the Azores.  I went crazy for it.  We were basically indulging in a bowl of freshly made passion fruit ice cream daily while we were in Mexico.  Now, I am on the lookout for fresh passion fruit every time I hit the market, just maybe someday, they will be lurking in the shadows of a mango or two.  What did I do?  I came home and made these sweet little treats, Vanilla Bean Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Passion Fruit Gelee.

Passion Fruit Buttermilk Panna Cotta 0110

Last weekend we finally found fresh passion fruit at the Berkeley Bowl.  As soon as I walked into the fresh fruit section I smelled the pungent but sweet smell of ripe passion fruits.  Speaking of indulging this was definitely just that, at $2.98 a passion fruit.  I love cutting one open and just slurping it up;  but, decided to make something special with them.

I have not made pannacotta in a long time and have been thinking about it very often recently.  This was the perfect opportunity.  I did have to change my traditional recipe as I  did not have enough regular milk, but after a few twitters, I felt comfortable substituting regular milk with buttermilk – it came out perfectly.  I loved the tartness of the passion fruit mixed with the fragrant vanilla beans and the creaminess of the buttermilk and cream.   Such an elegant way to end a meal with the one you love, pure passion.

Recipe: Vanilla Bean Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Passion Fruit Gelee

Passion Fruit Gelee


200ml fresh passion fruit puree
3 teaspoons caster sugar
2 teaspoons gelatin powder
3 tablespoons cold water

How To:

Put passion fruit puree and sugar into a saucepan over low heat and cook until sugar is dissolved about 5 minutes.

Sprinkle gelatin powder into the cold water in a small bowl and let soften for 5 minutes.

Add the gelatin into the passion fruit mixture and stir until dissolved.

Pour the mixture into 6 small glass containers or 4 ramekins, let set up in the fridge.

Vanilla Bean Buttermilk Panna Cotta


1 1/2 cup heavy cream
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup caster sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste
1 tablespoon gelatin powder
4 tablespoons cold water

How To:

Add heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla bean paste into a saucepan and gently warm milk, do not bring to a boil.

Let the mixture steep for about 15 – 30 minutes, until sugar is dissolved and it reaches the intensity of flavor you want.

Add the buttermilk to a large bowl.  Strain the cream mixture into the buttermilk.  Whisk gently.

Add the gelatin into the cold water and let it soften for about 5 minutes.

Add the gelatin mixture to the cream/buttermilk mixture and whisk until the gelatin is dissolved, you do not want lumpy pannacotta.

Let the mixture continue to cool, about 10 minutes, but do not let it set too long or it will begin to firm.

If the passion fruit gelee is set, gently pour the cream mixture into the container.

Let it set in the fridge at least 3 hours or longer.



More Panna Cotta

Pumpkin Panna Cotta

Pomegranate Panna Cotta

Panna Cotta for Two with Cherries

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Tuesday 5th of October 2010

I love the little glass jar you use for your panna cotta. Can you tell me where you found them? I live in SF. Thank you.


Wednesday 27th of January 2010

Yummy! And what a gorgeous photo. I'm getting in a panna cotta state of I wish I had time this week to go out and look for passion fruit.

Pink Panda

Tuesday 26th of January 2010

Haven't heard of Panna Cotta until now, but I must say that looks delicious!


Monday 25th of January 2010

This made me say 'wow' out loud. It looks so tasty.


Monday 25th of January 2010

This is a glorious recipe.