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Corn Cakes with Garlicky Cilantro Yogurt Sauce

Corn Cakes with Garlicky Cilantro Yogurt Sauce

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I followed some crumbs from Matt Bites over to the weekly food blog event, Food Fest.  Food Fest is co-hosted by Margaret of A Way to Garden.   Each week they pick a different seasonal vegetable, and we the readers as well as chefs get to create something wonderful to enjoy.  This week’s challenge was all about corn.  I could not wait to share on one of my favorite summer recipes for Corn Cakes, and am excited to share. It is such a great recipe for using sweet succulent summer corn.

Corn Cakes with Garlicky Cilantro Yogurt Sauce


We tend to only enjoy corn during the summer as it is really the best.  Super sweet and juicy, you don’t even need to cook it! Often we slice it raw, and toss into our salads or soups for some extra crunch.  

This recipe was inspired by a favorite Donna Hay recipe,  which I did change make some changes too.  I wanted to keep it vegetarian friendly, so I left out the bacon.  As well, I did not add any cheese. I like texture so I used whole kernels instead of making into a puree. I think you will love it too. 

Verdict on these corn cakes?  They were sweet but not dessert sweet, more savory-sweet.  They are not too heavy, instead they are rather light. 

These corn cakes are great served with your favorite summer main entrees such as BBQ pork or brisket or even grilled chicken or fish, we really enjoy them alongside trout.   If you have leftovers, they are great served with a poached egg for breakfast the next day, or even as a light lunch.

Yield: 10 corn cakes

Corn Cakes with Garlicky Cilantro Yogurt Sauce

Corn Cakes with Garlicky Cilantro Yogurt Sauce

These vegetarian friendly corn cakes are perfect served as a side dish at your next BBQ or even as a light meal when served with a salad. Save a couple and serve with a poached egg for breakfast the next day!

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes


  • 3 cups of fresh uncooked corn - (3 cobs of corn - kernels cut off)
  • 1/3 cup yellow onion, diced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh jalapeño, finely minced
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 c. + 3 tablespoons whole milk
  • kosher salt, to taste
  • generous grind of fresh cracked black pepper
  • Garlicky Cilantro Yogurt
  • 1 cup whole milk yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh garlic, use a microplane to get it finely minced
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, finely minced
  • fresh black pepper
  • kosher salt


    Over medium heat in a large frying pan cook the onions with 1 tablespon of olive oil until soft, about 2 minutes. Add the jalapeno, stir and cook for another minute.
    Whisk together the milk and eggs in a large bowl. Add the flour, and baking baking powder and mix together.
    Add the corn as well as the cooked onion/jalapeno, stir to mix well. The mixture will be thick. If you prefer your corn cakes to be a bite thinner, than add a little more milk. We do not like them overthick or too thin, just in the middle.
    Wipe out the same frying pan that you used to cook the onions and place over medium heat on the stovetop. Place 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the pan, then add about 2 tablespoons of batter in a hot frying pan.
    Flatten slightly and cook for about 3 minutes on each side - until golden brown. It could take a minute or two more or less depending on how hot your stove runs.
    Remove to a baking sheet.
    Continue the process.
    Once you have finished browning all the cakes, put them into a 170 degree oven for about 10 minutes to warm up.

    While the Corn Cake are cooking make the Yogurt sauce.

    In a medium sized bowl mix together all the yogurt sauce ingredients and stir to combine. Set aside until time to eat.


Adapted from an old Donna Hay Recipe - I do not cook the corn first nor do I puree it. I add some jalapeno to spice it up, which pairs well with the garlicky cilantro yogurt sauce.

Did you make this recipe?

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table. We truly love having you here.Have you made this recipe?  Please share what recipes you are enjoying from Chez Us. We would love to see and be able to share with our followers. Use the hashtag #chezuseats on your social media channels, then we can pull a chair up to your virtual table and share with our friends.

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Sunday 24th of August 2008

healthier than indonesian corn fritters hehe...i'm gonna give em a try..with bacon hoho


Thursday 21st of August 2008

Oh, my. You had to go and make something as delicious-sounding and -looking as those corn cakes. I was already dreaming of a fall and winter immersed in corn pudding, and these must now accompany it. What will become of me? I love your alterations of the recipe, especially adding in the kernels. Yum. Thanks.

Deb Puchalla

Thursday 21st of August 2008

Wow, these look fantastic! So glad to see you join in the fun, especially following Matt, one of my fave foodie photogs. Come by our site and check out what everyone's making and add your link! (Next week is a summerlong roundup--how nostalgic; anything goes. See you then, and on Twitter, too.) Me? I'm off to try your corn cakes and maybe cod later.

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