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Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soup

Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soup

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You are probably thinking this has become a soup series blog.  Promise it hasn’t.  Don’t you hate January, when everyone gives up everything good to eat, and all the fun disappears?  I know we do, and while we are chugging along on this detox, we are dreaming of bonbons, cinnamon rolls, fried chicken, and waffles.  Even though we are loosely detoxing we still want to enjoy our meals.  There is no way that you have to eat disgustingly bland food, just because you are cleaning out your system.  That is why I have been whipping batches of this Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soup;  it is amazing!

Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soup

When I say, we are loosely detoxing that about sums it up. A friend was asking me the other day, what I mean when I am saying detoxing, and it got me thinking.

I am not into a juicing detox for a few reasons. The first being they are expensive. Second, I can juice fruits and veggies, but the sugar content is high, and all the great fiber was removed while juicing. I think of these juices as a one-hit-wonder, and eventually, you fall back on all your bad habits. Was that worth it? Probably not.

So how do we detox? It is more about clean eating, which means no processed foods, dairy, or refined (processed) sugar. We try to limit alcohol but occasionally give in to a glass of wine. We add more than the usual veggies as well as fresh fruit to our mix, and LOTS of water is consumed all day. Here is the skinny (so to say) on how we do it:

Early Morning:

  • A glass of warmish water with lemon juice.
  • Black Coffee – hey, don’t judge need at least one vice while doing this.
  • Steel Oats with fruit – no milk or sugar products.  Or …..
  • Eggs – if I work out in the mornings when I have an egg as my body is screaming for it, and I usually fry it in lard or olive oil or poached.
  • Avocado or beans – only if eating an egg.


  • A bowl of detox soup or another soup such as this or this.  Or
  • Tuna Salad.  Or
  • Big Green Salad.


  • Fresh Fruit
  • Green Tea


  • Same as lunch or may add a steamed piece of fish or chicken, if really hungry.
  • Big Green Salad.  Or
  • Roasted Vegetables.

Evening Snack:

  • Fresh Fruit.  Or
  • Popcorn – olive oil, sea salt, and spicy peppers.

We do this routine for two-three weeks, which is perfect as it rids all the crap (excess sugar, salt and alcohol) from our bodies after all the holiday splurges and it gets us started and back on track for the rest of the year.  At this point, we usually add more proteins into the diet, either in the form of meat or legumes (we are big bean heads), while we continue to keep eating lots of fresh veggies and fruit.

I find that this Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soups happens to be one of the best ways to make a few meals for the week, as well it fills me up during a detox. We love kabocha and tend to use it more often than other squash. It is super flavorful, has fewer calories than butternut squash, is loaded with iron, vitamin C, and B as well it has fiber! I also find that it makes this soup recipe denser and creamy (minus the dairy) when blended more than butternut squash does. I roast the squash as it gives it more flavorful, and it is easier to remove the peel.

Thai food is one of our favorites, so I loaded up this recipe with Thai Red Curry and ginger, as well as some coconut milk to add an extra creamy punch.  Cilantro is sprinkled on at the last moment for a bit of freshness with each bite.

You are going to love this!

Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soup


Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soup

Creamy Thai Curry Kabocha Soup

This rich with flavorful soup is not only vegetarian but also non-dairy and vegan. A favorite of ours during the cold winter months when Kabocha is in season.

Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 30 minutes
Additional Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 45 minutes


  • 3 pounds kabocha, halved and seeded

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 small yellow onion (about 5 ounces), roughly chopped
5 fresh garlic cloves
1 knob ginger (about 2 teaspoons)
1 teaspoon salt

  • 3 tablespoons Thai red curry

  • 6 cups vegetable stock

  • 1/2 cup coconut milk

  • cilantro, for garnish

  • coconut milk, for garnish


    Preheat the oven to 425.

Place the kabocha on a baking sheet, and drizzle with olive oil. Place into the oven, and roast for 35 - 45 minutes, or until fork-tender.

    Using the mortar (you can also use a knife and cutting board) make a paste out of the garlic, ginger, and salt. Set aside.

In the dutch oven over low heat, sweat the onions, stirring very often, for 3 minutes.

    Add the garlic paste, stir and cook for 1 minute.
 Stir in the red curry.

    Remove the dutch oven from the heat.

    Once the kabocha is done, remove it from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Then scoop out the flesh into the dutch oven.

    Add the stock, stir and cook over very low heat for at least 30 minutes. I like to push it to an hour as the flavor really seems to develop more. Stir often.

Remove from the heat, and let cool for 15 minutes.

    Using your blender, puree in small batches, then place into a bowl.

    Repeat with all of the soup. I do not put very much into the blender as the heat will cause the lid to pop off and create a big mess. Small batches!

    After you have pureed all of the soup, return it to the dutch oven, and gently heat for a couple of minutes over very low heat.

    Stir in the coconut milk.

    Sprinkle with cilantro.



Roasting the Kabocha squash first adds extra flavor with this soup recipe.

Did you make this recipe?

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table. We truly love having you here.Have you made this recipe?  Please share what recipes you are enjoying from Chez Us. We would love to see and be able to share with our followers. Use the hashtag #chezuseats on your social media channels, then we can pull a chair up to your virtual table and share with our friends.

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Sunday 17th of September 2017

Hi, I made this with kabucha and carrots, and realized too late, that I was out of curry paste, so used Chipotle peppers instead, so so good. Thanks

Amy Sullivan

Monday 23rd of January 2017

This looks amazing! Plan on making it very soon. Just wondering, is the Thai red curry a paste or powder?

Denise Woodward

Tuesday 24th of January 2017

Hi Amy! It is a paste - so easy to use!

Thalia @ butter and brioche

Sunday 8th of February 2015

This soup just looks so delicious. I love how you've used classic thai flavours in it - I have to make the recipe!


Tuesday 27th of January 2015

It's delicious and the what it's worth opinion is worth a ton


Tuesday 27th of January 2015

Thanks Steve! I has become a favorite around here - in fact, it will be dinner tonight!

Barbara | Creative Culinary

Thursday 22nd of January 2015

This is a work of art. Almost too pretty to eat. Almost.


Friday 23rd of January 2015

Thanks Barbara - it was delicious too. Try it!

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