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Salted Grapefruit Brûlée

Salted Grapefruit Brûlée

Sharing is caring!

I had hoped to have a cocktail recipe to share today;  but, time took over my schedule.  We are in the middle of hiring 20+ people for an upcoming event, and it has been challenging.  OY!  That is about all I can think to say about that.  Instead, I am going to share this new to us favorite snack/dessert that we have been enjoying, Salted Grapefruit Brûlée.

Grapefruit Brûlée

We have had an abundance of fresh Palm Springs grapefruits around the house, after our time there last December.  Did you know that Palm Springs grapefruits just happen to be the best we have ever had?  Super juicy as they are tree-ripened and so sweet that you can just peel them and enjoy as you would an orange.  Lenny eats at least 3 or 4 a day.  Occasionally, I like to use them for this simple treat, as it is slightly sinful and still just as delicious as eating them on their own.


Salted Grapefruit Brûlée

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table;  we love having you here.

Have you made this recipe?  Please share what recipes you are enjoying from our site with us – we’d love to see them.  Use the hashtag #chezuseats on social media channels, then we can pull a chair up to your virtual table and share with our friends.

 Salted Grapefruit Brûlée

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Aqiyl Aniys

Sunday 16th of March 2014

I can just imagine right now what the grapefruit with brown sugar and slat tastes like!


Wednesday 12th of March 2014

I did not know the tree-ripened virtues of the Palm Springs variety! Lovely service on the grapefruit. I'm thinking a juiced version of this, post brulee and salt, would make a smashing margarita. Yep, I'm going there.


Monday 10th of March 2014

I got hooked on pomelo fruit (origin of all citrus?) ) on my way home from church last week. They had free samples at our favorite roadside stand and that clinched it for me. You GOTTA try pomelo. I have to go now and broil the ones I bought.

Maria | Pink Patisserie

Monday 10th of March 2014

My parents got me to love grapefruit by making them this way! I haven't had them in years! So delicious!

Rebecca {foodie with family}

Saturday 8th of March 2014

I was an adult convert to grapefruit, but I'm one of the biggest fans now. I love bruleed grapefruits, but I've never added salt. Brilliant!