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Chicken Fried Steak with Green Garlic Gravy

Chicken Fried Steak with Green Garlic Gravy

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I LOVE chicken fried steak – I mean LOVE LOVE LOVE!  I love the crispy breading that covers the beef.  I love how the greasy bits from the pan stick to the edges of the crispy coating.  I love dipping each piece of crispy greasy goodness into a puddle of creamy gravy.  And I have not even touched how I love the buttery mashed potatoes that get to share in all this fried goodness.  I took a classic chicken fried steak recipe to extraordinary with this new recipe for Chicken Fried Steak with Green Garlic Gravy.

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I was reminded of how much I love chicken fried steak (also known as Country Fried Steak) on a recent trip we took to Winnemucca to see my family.   You see, we took my mother to breakfast at the Griddle, one of the still-standing businesses there.  In my previous life, I use to be a waitress at the Griddle.   They had the best chicken fried steak and banana cream pie;  I think I ate it every night I worked.   Anyhow, I have been jonesing on the memory ever since we got home.

Lenny has never had it.  I really had no idea how to make it and decided to just go with the memory, that sweet (or in this case savory) memory of how crunchy the breading was and how the meat was overcooked but that the gravy it was smothered in made it all okay.  I wanted him to love it just as much as I did.  And I want you all to love it as well!

I am going to apologize immediately as this recipe was done by memory and taste.  I normally do not even cook with a recipe but if I have my notebook next to me, I will jot down measurements and procedures along the way.  Not with this recipe.  It was all done by taste.  As well, the Griddle never made the gravy with green garlic.  After all, it was the late 70s, early 80s, no one even dreamed of eating “green garlic” back then let alone in Winnemucca.

Recipe:  Chicken Fried Steak with Green Garlic Gravy

** serves four


1 lb grass-fed beef bottom round steak


kosher salt

smoked paprika

fresh cracked black pepper

3 eggs

splash of water

1 tablespoon of unsalted butter

4 stalks of green garlic, minced

chicken stock


How To:

Turn oven on to 250.

Pound meat with a tenderizer until slightly thin, don’t over a pound or you will have a hamburger.  Set aside the meat.

Pour some flour into a shallow dish, season with salt, paprika, and black pepper – all by taste.  Mix.  I removed about 3 tablespoons and put it into a little bowl.

Crack eggs into another shallow bowl, whisk in a splash of water.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, drizzle in a bit of olive oil.

Dip the meat into the flour, then the egg and then the flour.

Put the steak into the frying pan.  Cook until golden and then turn over.  Cook the other side until golden.

Lower the heat and continue cooking until it is just the way you like your steak.  I cooked it until it was slightly over medium but not well done, still pink.

Remove from the pan and put on an ovenproof serving plate.  Put into the oven and turn off the heat.

Heat a tablespoon of butter in the same pan as the drippings add the garlic and stir for about 1 minute.  Lower heat.

Whisk in the flour.  Do not let it clump.

Start pouring in a little chicken stock, slowly, until you have almost the consistency you like (it should be a little thick).

Then slowly pour in a little milk while whisking until you have the consistency you like your gravy.

Serve alongside the fried steak.



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Wednesday 21st of July 2010

This looks INCREDIBLE! Nothing like a rich, delicious chicken fried steak. Definitely a vice of mine.

Got your note about IFBC. So looking forward to it! We'll definitely have to meet up at the conference, if not by chance, maybe on purpose! :)

FAB site, beautiful story of you two.


Wednesday 17th of March 2010

That looks amazing!! I cannot wait to try it out, just looking at that picture makes me so hungry, thanks for posting the recipe!


Saturday 13th of March 2010

Being the foreigner in this big country, I have absolutely no clue as to what you're talking about but your fondness for this dish has made me want to try it! Chicken fried steak. Wow!


Thursday 11th of March 2010

This is exactly the sort of dish that has to be made by "feel"... That milk gravy rocks. Just the thought of it is making me salivate.