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Coconut Butter Thins

Coconut Butter Thins

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This may be one of my favorite all-time cookie recipes since making them.  Coconut Butter Thins, why didn’t I discover you sooner?  It is Tuesdays with Dorie time; how we love Tuesdays!  Jayne of the Barefoot Kitchen Witch picked Coconut Butter Thins for this week’s challenge.  I was going to sit it out, only because I am swamped at work, but when I read the ingredient list, I knew I had to join in.  Coconut, lime zest & macadamia nuts are three ingredients that I love together.  Reminds me of a tropical drink on a sunny beach.



Unfortunately, when I went to the store to get all the ingredients, they were out of the nuts.  The only other addition I made was cardamon, I thought it would go great with the coconut and the lime – I was right!  As well, the recipe called for cutting the cookie dough into squares, but I thought they would be fun to make circles.  So I rolled the dough into a log and let it chill overnight – easy bake slice cookies.

The cookies are lightly crisp, buttery and scented just like a tropical day at the beach.  They reminded me of a new and improved girl scout cookie – will definitely be making these again!

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table;  we love having you here.

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Recipe:  Coconut Butter Thins


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 cup cornstarch

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon cardamon

2/3 cup sugar

Grated zest of 1 lime

2 sticks (8 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature

1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

2/3 cup sweetened shredded coconut

How To:

Whisk together the flour, cornstarch, salt, and cardamon.

If you want to get a little more flavor out of the lime zest, put the sugar and zest in the mixer bowl and, using your fingertips, work the zest into the sugar until the sugar is moist and the mixture fragrant.

Working with a stand mixer, preferably fitted with a paddle attachment, or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the butter, sugar, and zest on medium speed for about 3 minutes, or until smooth.  Beat in the vanilla extract.  Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the flour mixture, mixing only until the dry ingredients disappear.  Add the coconut and nuts and pulse to incorporate them.  There will probably be some dry ingredients in the bottom of the bowl–don’t work them in with the mixer, just reach into the bowl and knead them in.

Transfer the soft, sticky dough to a gallon-size zipper-lock bag.  Put the bag on a flat surface, leaving the top open, and roll the dough into a 9-x-10 1/2-inch rectangle that’s 1/4 inch thick.  As you roll, turn the bag occasionally and lift the plastic from the dough so it doesn’t cause creases.  When you get the right size and thickness, seal the bag, pressing out as much air as possible, and refrigerate the dough for at least 2 hours or for up to 2 days.

GETTING READY TO BAKE:  Position the racks to divide the oven into thirds and preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.  Line two baking sheets with parchment or silicone mats.

Put the plastic bag on a cutting board and slit it open.  Turn the dough out onto the board (discard the bag), and, using a ruler as a guide and a sharp knife, cut it into 32 squares, each roughly 1 1/2inches on a side.  Transfer the squares to the baking sheets, leaving about 2 inches between them, and carefully prick each one twice with a fork, gently pushing the tines through the cookies to the sheet.

Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, rotating the sheets from top to bottom and front to back at the midway point.  The shortbreads will be very pale–they shouldn’t take on much color.  Transfer the cookies to a rack and cool to room temperature.

Makes 32 Cookies

Storing:  Wrapped well, these will keep for about 3 days at room temperature or for up to 2 months in the freezer.

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Sunday 5th of April 2009

Yum, cardamom! Great addition!


Wednesday 1st of April 2009

Butter makes everything better, so the combo with coconut is a cinch!


Tuesday 31st of March 2009

wow, your cookies turned out perfect! I want to reach out, grab a cookie and dunk it in that glass of milk.


Tuesday 31st of March 2009

Mmmm, tropical drink on a sunny beach - sounds good to me! Your cookies look perfect! I'm jealous of their shape. Glad you enjoyed them.

jin hooi

Tuesday 31st of March 2009

your cookies look great !! I shouldn't have made mine in circle too !! well done !!