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Chocolate Coconut Fat Bombs

Chocolate Coconut Fat Bombs

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I am in love with this recipe for chocolate coconut fat bombs, which by the way should be called LOVE bombs. Super easy to make and they do not require any baking which means you can pop them into your mouth even faster.  They are so cute that they would be perfect for Valentine’s Day too.

Chocolate Coconut Fat Bombs

The inspiration came from a recipe that my friend Lexi posted for PB & J Fat Bombs. I thought it was a brilliant recipe idea. I am always looking for energy snacks that do not have nuts in them, so I took the idea and ran with it. One of the things I hate about most energy bars is that they all include nuts or to much processed sugar. Not to mention the sodium.

I made these sweet little love bombs, or I mean fat bombs with fresh dates, gluten-free oats, coconut, grass-fed butter, pumpkin seed butter, and organic cacao. Each little bite is filled with protein, fiber, and natural sugars. Is it healthy for you? Well, I am pretty sure it is better than a lot of on the market energy bars, but I am not sure you want to pop four or five at one time. We usually have one or two in the afternoon when we need a pick me up or before a workout. I tried to keep the recipe as healthy as possible by using natural and organic ingredients.

Is it Keto? Most likely NO as it does include dates plus the pumpkin seed butter has a small amount of cane sugar added. My thoughts behind sugar are that it should be avoided. If it is used, then it should not be over-processed, and stevia, erythritol, and xylitol fall into that category for me. I only use natural and unrefined sugars such as dates, maple, fruit, etc.. and then in moderation. You can make the call on that one and maybe take this idea and try it with another sweetener of your choice.


I found a company called Flying Disc Ranch who grows the most amazing dates, truly the best I have ever had. We have become somewhat addicted to them. They offer so many different varieties and it has been really fun trying out different ones. What I love about their dates is that there are no added sugars to the drying process just tree-ripened fruit. For this recipe, I used their Medjools as this variety tends to be a bit stickier.

I used cacao for this recipe as it is the raw form of chocolate and has not been over-processed. It is as close to the natural state as chocolate as possible. Cocoa has been processed and most likely has other ingredients mixed with it. Pure cacao is a great source of fiber, protein and is loaded with antioxidants. I use the Sunfoods brand and you can read more about the amazing benefits. They say it is heart-healthy – perfect for Valentine’s day.

Most of the recipes I found online suggested that coconut oil be used as an ingredient. Lenny has high cholesterol and his doctor frowned upon him using coconut oil in his diet. Instead of using, I added grass-fed butter which is loaded with more omega 3 fatty acids than regular butter. Plus, I find the taste of grass-fed butter better. Honestly, I think if I up the seed butter, I can omit the grass-fed butter – I need to try that with the next round.

There you have it – a fun little energy pick me up that is easy to make and so good to snack on.


Recipe:  Chocolate Coconut Fat Bombs


  • 8 large dates, pitted
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin seed butter or your favorite type, as little sugar as possible. I like this brand – 88 Acres.
  • 1/3 cup gluten-free rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup cacao powder + extra for rolling the balls in
  • 2/3 cup coconut flakes – unsweetened
  • 2 tablespoons grass-fed butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

How To:

Place everything into a food processor and pulse until well combined. You want the dates finely chopped and not left in chunks.

Roll the mixture into bite-sized balls, then roll in extra cacao powder.

Place in an airtight container and refrigerate.

They will keep for about 5 days if you do not eat them all by then.


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