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Fit at Fifty Week Twenty Four

Fit at Fifty Week Twenty Four

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Happy Sunday!  Before I kick into Fit at Fifty Week Twenty Four, I have a bit of a rant, and I have a feeling many women will feel my pain.  Okay, so Lenny decided in January that he wanted to lose some poundage, which I completely supported.  While I struggle to lose an ounce the dude has lost 9 pounds, yes 9 pounds since January.  He eats larger portions than I do and he does not work out as hard as I do.  WHAT THE???  Anyone else have a partner that can shed a few pounds by just thinking about it?  I trudge onward …

Fit at Fifty Week Twenty Four

Despite eating my fair share of carbs this past week I did manage to lose a pound, which I was really excited for as I felt like I gained ten.  I am battling this cold that wants to hang out and all I felt like doing was eating comfort food which for me has been really good bread.  I did manage to watch the portions which I feel are my saving grace.  I don’t starve myself but I am aware of how much is on my plate.  I really feel like I need up my protein though as I get hungry and I know it is a lack of.  As well, I need to be better about adding a couple snacks during the day.  I really need to focus on getting and staying on this plan.

Moving my body was challenging only because I wasn’t feeling well.  I did make an effort to move my legs on the bike for at least 30 minutes, four days a week.  The same for yoga, and the only reason I didn’t do it every day was because I was SORE from the sessions I did do.  I am liking it?  I have to admit I kind of am and am looking forward to adding it to my life once the challenge is over.

Beginning Weight:  145

End of week: 144


  • lost a pound despite loading up on bread
  • managed to move my body a little bit every day even though I was sick


  • was not being aware of my meals – need to be better at following the plan I want to do
  • not drinking enough water

What I ate and how I moved:

Sunday (camping)

Moving: walked 1.18

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, yogurt with 1/2 apple, 2 days and coconut palm syrup

Lunch:  cheese and crackers

Dinner: roasted chicken with potatoes and sautéed kale


Water: 3 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 40 minutes spin and yoga challenge

Breakfast: 3 cups black coffee, yogurt with 1/2 apple, 2 days and coconut palm syrup

Lunch: baby kale salad with beets and cucumber and olive oil and lemon juice – large plateful serving

Dinner:  1 serving spaghetti with spicy tomato sauce


Water: 3 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 45 minutes spin and yoga challenge

Breakfast: 3 cups black coffee, scrambled egg with 1/2 avocado

Lunch:  roast beef sandwich (at client’s) wheat bread, little mayo, beef and lettuce

Dinner: curried lentils with kale


Water: 5 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: walked 2.05 miles and yoga challenge

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee and 1 scrambled egg with 1 slice toast with butter

Lunch: baby kale salad with olive oil and lemon and feta and radishes

Dinner: hummus recipe I am working on


Water: 5 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 39 minutes spin and Yoga Challenge

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, leftover kale and squash with poached egg and 1 slice toast with butter

Lunch: hummus, avocado and lavash

Dinner: kale salad recipe that I am working on, 2 glasses red wine


Water: 5 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving: 30 minutes spin

Breakfast: 3 cups black coffee, 1 egg scrambled

Lunch: grilled cheddar cheese sandwich

Dinner: 1 serving lentils with 1 chicken sun-dried tomato sausage

Snack: 2 sugar cookies

Water:  3 glasses (16 oz each)


Moving:  Walked 1.49 miles

Breakfast:  3 cups black coffee, 1 scrambled egg with 1 chicken sun-dried tomato sausage and kale and 1 slice toast with butter


Dinner:  1 serving Italian Wedding Soup and slice of country bread

Snack: 2 sugar cookies

Water: 3 glasses (16 oz each)

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Mardi (eat. live. travel. write.)

Monday 6th of February 2017

Boo for men being able to lose more pounds faster (I've experienced this on a cleanse with Neil - I barely lost anything but he lost tons!). You are doing great! Slow and steady wins the race!