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Baked Doughnut Holes

Baked Doughnut Holes

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I have been dreaming of Baked Doughnut Holes all year long, but, I haven’t had a chance to make a batch.  I love doughnut holes even more than doughnuts, well sometimes.  When we go to a doughnut shop, I tend to seek out the sweet little holes that are fried and wrapped in sugar more often than not.  I decided to make my traditionally fried doughnut holes skinnier by baking them.  I think you are going to agree that this recipe for Baked Doughnut Holes is easier to make as well as being easier on your waistline.

Baked Doughnut Holes | Chez Us

I blame my addiction to doughnut holes in my childhood as it was one of the first things I learned to make, and often I would make them.  The recipe has changed over the years as I no longer fry my doughnut holes instead I bake them.  In that same breath, I like to think this recipe for baked doughnut holes is way healthier than the deep fat fried version.  Whatever makes me sleep at night, right?  As well the batter I use is moister than the one I used some 30 years ago, which required being rolled out and then cut with a small circle cookie cutter.  Too labor intensive!  Thank goodness Wilton has a doughnut pan as it makes it easier to whip up a batch of these doughnut holes on a whim.

Baked Doughnut Holes | Chez Us

I want you to think of this recipe for baked doughnut holes as a blank canvas for being creative.  The flavorings are really simple;  coconut oil and vanilla bean paste create the palette for this on the outside crunchy but ultra moist on the inside doughnut hole.  The toppings for the sinful little bits can be either a glaze or rolled in flavored sugar.  As well the flavorings can change on a whim depending on your cravings.  I mean, let your mind run wild with this recipe.

One of my favorite ways of making doughnut holes is to roll them in a sugary mixture of sugar and pumpkin pie spice, and that is why I couldn’t share them with you until now.  Why do you ask?  Because I feel all things pumpkin, even though I love it, should wait until October.  Now that is it October, we are enjoying this sugary and sinful little bites of baked vanilla dough wrapped in butter and pumpkin pie spice.  And we think you should be enjoying them, as well.

Happy Fall!

Baked Doughnut Holes | Chez Us


Recipe:  Baked Doughnut Holes



2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup whole milk
6 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
1/2 cup sugar
3 teaspoons cinnamon

How To:

Preheat oven to 350.

Lightly oil the baked doughnut hole pan with a little baking spray.

Sift the flour, sugar, baking soda and powder and salt into a large mixing bowl.

In a small bowl, using a fork, beat the eggs, cream, milk, 2 tablespoons melted butter, and vanilla bean paste together.  Add to the dry ingredients.

Using a fork mix everything together until moist.

Scoop the dough into a large Ziploc bag.  Snip a small corner of the end of the bag off.  Pipe some dough into each cavity of the doughnut hole pan.

Only fill up each little hole about half way or you will have acorn shaped doughnut holes instead of small round balls.

Bake 10 – 15 minutes until golden browned.

Remove from the oven and let cool for 3 minutes, then remove from the pan.

Combine the sugar and cinnamon together in a small bowl.

Using a pastry brush, brush butter on each doughnut hole, then roll in the sugar mixture.



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Saturday 26th of October 2013

they look yummy!


Wednesday 16th of October 2013

I didn't know they make baked donut hole pans - that is genius! I am trying to decide what kind of donuts I'm making next...these are on my list!

jackie @ marin mama cooks

Tuesday 15th of October 2013

Ok, I so want to make every donut recipe on your blog. They all look amazing. I never realized what a great baked goods section you have on your blog, and those pull apart breads, Oh my! Everything looks so good that I don't know where to start. Ok, I want to make these like soon and I was wondering if I could make the in a mini muffin pan being that I don't have a donut hole pan. What do you think? xoxo, Jackie


Thursday 10th of October 2013

I love donut holes too! and I don't think I've ever needed a donut hole pan more than I do after seeing these anything rolled in spiced sugar is good by me.

Nutmeg Nanny

Tuesday 8th of October 2013

Donut holes are so addicting :) I am loving this recipe!!!