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Homemade Roasted Tomato Sauce

Homemade Roasted Tomato Sauce

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I know summer is officially here when I see tomatoes hitting the markets.  I enjoy making my own tomato sauces and have been craving this robust tomato-based sauce all winter.  It is the best when using summer ripe tomatoes.  Don’t you think it is time that I share my Homemade Roasted Tomato Sauce recipe?  This recipe isn’t quick, it is all about slow roasting the tomatoes which will bring out the flavor.  Trust me, it is worth every minute.

One of our favorite ways to eat tomatoes is to slice multicolored heirlooms thinly, lay them on a plate, drizzle with good olive oil, a splash of thick, syrupy balsamic, and a sprinkle of Maldon salt.  They really do not need anything else.  

Or a simple dinner idea is to slice a baguette in half, spread with thick and creamy goat cheese, topped with slices of dry-farmed tomatoes, a sprinkle of sea salt, and put it under for broiler until toasty;  super easy dinner.  

A childhood favorite is to slice open a crusty piece of bread, lightly spread some good mayo over the bread, top with slices of ripe, red tomatoes, a pinch of kosher salt, and top with the other slice of bread.  An easy lunch that takes me back to being seven years old, sitting on an outdoor step with skinned knees.

We have been enjoying pounds of these gorgeous vine-ripened tomatoes; they are plump, juicy, and sexy.  I love twisting them off of the stems, the scent that comes off of the slightly bruised stem is intoxicating.  Try it.  Instant summer memory of picking tomatoes off the vines at our neighborhood garden when I was growing up.  

Our favorite way of preparing tomatoes is to gently wipe them with a towel, lay them on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with Maldon salt.  Then they roast, long and slow, until they burst at the seams, making a caramelized, rich sauce.  

To take the sauce to another level I had a head of garlic that has been roasted with olive oil.  The roasted garlic adds an earthy depth to the sauce.  During the last 20 minutes of roasting the tomatoes, I turn up the heat and add the garlic, and let it carmelize.  Once everything is roasted, I crush the tomatoes in a saucepan and let it simmer for a few minutes.

All that is left for a delicious summer meal is to toss the sauce with some hot pasta.

This tomato-based sauce is very rich in flavor, you will want to make a few batches to freeze for the long winter.  Summer will be brought back instantly when the dark days of winter are wrapping their arms around you.

Yield: about 2 cups of sauce

Homemade Roasted Tomato Sauce

Homemade Roasted Tomato Sauce

This recipe takes time but it is worth it. Slowly roasting tomatoes creates a rich and dense tomato sauce. Great on pasta or served in place of your favorite recipes asking for tomato sauce.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours 20 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 30 minutes


  • 4 pounds tomatoes on the vine
  • 1 head of garlic, top sliced off
  • a drizzle of olive oil
  • a sprinkle of Maldon salt


    Heat the oven to 250.

    Wipe the tomatoes with a towel, then lay them on a baking sheet.

    Drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt.  Slide into the oven and forget about it for 4 hours.

    Check on them every so often to make sure they do not overcook.  Depending on the size of your tomatoes they may take a little less or a little more time.

    The last 20 minutes turn up the heat to 425.

    Lay the head of garlic on some parchment paper, drizzle with olive oil, and twist to close tightly.  Put it into the oven until golden, about 15-20 minutes.  Do not let it burn.

    Remove everything from the oven.

    Put the tomatoes in a saucepan and gently crush with a wooden spoon.

    Squeeze the soft garlic into the tomatoes and gently simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

    While simmering the sauce, cook your favorite pasta according to package directions.

    Drain the pasta.

    Toss with the sauce.




Use all of the sauce with one meal or divide and freeze some for later.

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Tuesday 17th of September 2013

Hello! Well I have to admit that for the tomato sauce, here in France I use the Barilla mark all the time ops! It's time to change I know that, so I really think I will try your receipe, it looks divine and yummy


Tuesday 17th of September 2013

Oh Mickael, nothing like homemade, and with the lovely tomatoes in France it will be delicious! Let us know how you like the recipe. ~ Denise


Monday 15th of April 2013

Thanks a lot for your recipe. I always buy canned tomato sauce because I don’t have enough imagination to make my own sauce, and yours seems very easy! I use this kind of sauce for my spaghetti and also for some “albondigas” recipe I tasted on my last travel to Mexico. I’m sure your sauce will be excellent!

Farmgirl Susan

Saturday 24th of September 2011

Yum! This is my kind of recipe. That top photo is wonderful, especially since I'm crazy for vintage enamelware. :)


Wednesday 14th of September 2011

One of my new California discoveries is dry-farmed tomatoes. I, too, also love eating multi-colored heirlooms virtually plain. I hope the tomatoes last a little while :) xo


Tuesday 6th of September 2011

Is it just me or does the top photo remind you of Molly's A Homemade Life cover? Except your shot is much more beautiful. So many of my students, when I ask them about summer food memories, say tomatoes. We, like you guys, are finally getting decent ones. I can't get enough!

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