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Three Milk Cake

Three Milk Cake

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Time flies when you are cooking, and stuffing your face.  It is hard to believe that it has been 4 years, yes 4 years, and 697 posts since Chez Us was born.  It has been really fun to look back, and see the baby steps we took, to get where we are now.  We laugh, and smile over some of our posts when we were too shy, and not sure how much we should say. Now we are basically an open book and eagerly excited to meet all of you.  Even if it is only online where we get to meet;  it is still nice to have you here.  It has been a delicious journey.  To celebrate you and us, we made you this yummy three milk cake.  It is so good.  It really is.


We get asked all the time, why we do it, and why we keep doing it?  Well, we have to eat, right?  Honestly?  We love it;  it is a sweet labor of love, delicious love.  Two passions rolled into one … food and photography.  An outlet to be creative, to unwind, to think outside the box.  And the relationships.  Food just happens to bring people together.  We have been so fortunate to have met some amazing people through the site;  truly the raw talent.  Very lucky, the relationships that have been “baking” mean so much, we cannot ever imagine not meeting each of you.

What did we do to celebrate?  Well, we ate, the same meal we have eaten every year on the blogiversary;  vegetarian enchiladas washed down with margaritas.  This year we mixed it up a bit, by adding cake.  A sultry, and creamy three milk cake.  I have been dying to make one, ever since I read a recipe many years ago.  I just have never gotten around to it.  Instead of regular milk, I used coconut milk and added a heavy dose of fresh lime zest.  It was amazing.  Really amazing.  Dense, moist, luscious, and flavorful.  Melts on your tongue with every bite;  I am serious here.  This is going to be a new favorite, and I cannot wait to play with flavor combinations.  Dreamy!

We want to say “thank you”.  Not just a little thank you, but a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has ever read our site, glanced at it, recommends it to their dog, or keeps coming back for more.  Without your loving, and sometimes not so loving comments, we would not be here.  As long as you want us to feed you, we will keep doing so.

A celebration would not be a celebration without a couple gifts, right?  Instead of giving Chez Us a gift, as we have the gift of your readership, we want to pass along a gift to you;  a couple of our favorite things.  One lucky reader will get each of these sweet little tokens of Chez Us love.

1)  Bill’s Open Kitchen by Bill Granger – LOVE this guy.  He is a favorite Aussie chef of ours.  Not only are his recipes fresh, and easy to make, but they all call for fresh ingredients, and are diet friendly.  Love the simple but exotic flavors of chilies, lime, cilantro … mouthwatering.  This particular book has every meal covered from breakfast to afternoon tea.  Wait until you try the passion fruit pancakes;  oh yes!  Or the citrus risotto;  swoon!


Yield: 6 - 8 servings

Three Milk Cake

Three Milk Cake

This three milk inspired cake should really be called three milks plus some sour cream cake. The addition of coconut milk makes this cake feel a bit tropical.


  • 3 eggs
  • 2/3 sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch salt
  • 2 limes zest
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • juice from half a lime
  • 3 tablespoons whole milk
  • Milk Glaze:
  • 1 cup condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup evaporated milk
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • Whipping Topping:
  • 1/2 pint whipping cream
  • 3 tablespoons coconut cream, thick part of a can of coconut milk


    Preheat the oven to 350.  Line round cake pan with parchment paper, and butter the sides of the pan.  Using a mixer, whisk the eggs, sugar, lime zest, lime juice, and vanilla until thick and pale.  Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together, then fold into the mixture.   Add the milk, and thoroughly mix.  Pour the batter into the baking tin, and level the top.  Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.  A little extra browning adds depth to the flavor.
    While the cake is baking, make the milk glaze by combining the condensed milk, with the sour cream, mix thoroughly.  Add the evaporated and coconut milk, mix;  set aside.
    Turn the baked cake out onto a cooling rack and immediately cover the bottom and sides with tinfoil. Re-invert into the baking tin so that the tinfoil lines the tin, and the edges overlap the sides of the pan.  Prick several holes in the cake with a skewer, be generous with your poking.  Slowly pour the milk glaze mixture over the warm cake, from the center outwards. Do this in batches, allowing the previous additions to be absorbed. It will look like too much liquid, don’t be alarmed, the cake will soak it all up. Leave to cool.
    Whip the whipping cream, until soft peaks form.  Add the coconut cream - the thick creamy part of a can of coconut milk;  skim from the top before using the milk in the glaze.  Before serving gently cover the top of the cake with the whipped cream mixture.

Did you make this recipe?

Thank you for joining us at the Chez Us table. We truly love having you here.Have you made this recipe?  Please share what recipes you are enjoying from Chez Us. We would love to see and be able to share with our followers. Use the hashtag #chezuseats on your social media channels, then we can pull a chair up to your virtual table and share with our friends.



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Angelique F.

Wednesday 4th of May 2016

Question: in your top photo, there's a runny bit on the green plate. That is the: 1) glaze that didn't absorb all the way 2) the topping that liquefied 3) something else all together that I don't want to think about?


Thursday 5th of May 2016

That would be the glaze - no worries there!

Lynne @ 365 Days of Baking

Wednesday 25th of May 2011

I just found your site through Joy the Baker and am so glad I did! Happy belated 4 year anniversary - such a milestone! I love your post and look forward to making your recipes


Friday 20th of May 2011

Selfishly I'd love it if you posted more of your posts on the RSS feed so I can decide whether to read it. Without any pictures and very little content, I sometimes accidentally skip past. I like the smitten kitchen approach of a tantalizing photo, a little content, then I find myself clicking through to read more...


Friday 20th of May 2011

I love your recipes with the inticing introduction. The recipes don't scare me with 100+ ingredients and give me the "Hey I can do this" feel. Oh, oh and the pictures, the pictures make me want to lick my screen!!!


Thursday 19th of May 2011

Happy 4th Blogerversary - wow, 697 posts is pretty impressive! What I love most about Chez Us is having you two as friends and I'm looking forward to more good times together in the next year. Preferably with some of those Portugese doughnuts you keep telling me about *ahem* ;)

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